SDR - Software Defined Receivers
Software Defined Receivers
This location is far from ideal. It is situated in a recreational park within an urban area, with an ASL of -2m (below sea level). Furthermore, we face significant QRM challenges caused by LED floodlights from a nearby football field. On top of this, we are restricted in antenna height due to HOA regulations, leaving most of our antennas too close to the ground (with the exception of the TerraBooster, which is specifically designed for ground placement).
Despite these limitations, we are achieving excellent results, demonstrating that listening antennas can perform well even in less-than-ideal locations!!
SDR1: EchoTracer (pskreporter)
SDR2: OctaLoop (pskreporter)
SDR3: TerraBooster (pskreporter)
This location serves as our development site and is currently undergoing reconstruction. We aim to have everything completed and operational by spring 2025.
This will be an ideal location, as we can position the antennas well away from human activity. We anticipate this site will be fully operational by the end of 2025.