Collection: SDR - Software Defined Receivers


This location is far from ideal—situated in an urban recreational park at -2m ASL, with heavy QRM from LED floodlights and HOA height restrictions keeping most antennas too low (except the TerraBooster). Yet, we’re achieving excellent results, proving that good listening antennas work even in challenging environments!

SDR1EchoTracer (pskreporter)
SDR2OctaLoop (pskreporter)
SDR3TerraBooster (pskreporter)


This location serves as our development site and is currently undergoing reconstruction. We aim to have everything completed and operational by spring 2025.


This will be an ideal location, as we can position the antennas well away from human activity. We anticipate this site will be fully operational by the end of 2025.

AIS (Maritime vessel location system)

AIS Catcher@Lombardsijde

ADS-B (Aviation aircraft location system)


Satellite Decoding


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