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RF Guru

2025-F-010-30 | Wide Band (HF) High Power +30dB CMR Line Isolator 1.5-30MHz 5kW

2025-F-010-30 | Wide Band (HF) High Power +30dB CMR Line Isolator 1.5-30MHz 5kW

Regular price €167,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €167,00 EUR
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Grounding terminal

Why ?

The Importance of a High-Quality Common-Mode Choke or Line Isolator


  • Ultra Low Loss High power Common-Mode Choke type 1/1 UNUN. 

Mechanical Characteristics

  • Professional 50 Ohms N-connector or SO239 connector. (IP66 after sealing with self- vulcanizing tape or equivalent).

Deployable frequency range: 1.5 to 30 MHz

  • Optimized for 1,5 - 30 MHz > 30dB Rejection
  • Less than 0.10dB insertion loss
  • Less than 1.2:1 SWR

Optional Grounding terminal, allowing for connection of one side of the isolator to a clean RF ground, thus forming an “L” configuration filter for sheath currents, and providing additional (secondary) lightning protection. This configuration results in higher TX common-mode current rejection ratios and higher RX noise rejection characteristics.

Maximum power: 9000 W PeP (ICAS) / 5000 W PeP (CCS) (@ antenna VSWR of < 2/1).

Common mode rejection

Insertion Loss 


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