Knowledge Base: Guides & Technical Resources
Knowledge Base: Guides & Technical Resources
Welcome to the Knowledge Base, your comprehensive resource for improving your understanding of antennas, RF systems, and station optimization. Whether you’re new to amateur radio or an experienced operator, this collection of articles is designed to provide practical advice, technical insights, and solutions to common challenges faced in antenna design, installation, and performance tuning.
The articles are divided into key categories to help you easily navigate through the topics that matter most to your station’s setup and operation.
Wire Antennas
- Advice on Wire Antennas for Those with Limited Space
- Does feedline length matter?
Fold-Back Tuning for Antennas: Guidelines and Best Practices
Tuning a Doublet Antenna: Methods and Considerations
RF.Guru End Fed Wire Antennas
- End-Fed Antennas Explained
- Using an Antenna Analyzer for End-Fed Antennas with Coax as a Counterpoise
Feed Point Impedance vs. Feedpoint Height Above Ground for End-Fed Antennas
Comparing 80/40 Meter EFHW Antennas: Inverted L vs. Sloper/Flattop for DX and NVIS Operations
Why the EFOC29 Design Outperforms the EFHW8010 and EFLW37 in Multiband Operation
The Challenges of Multiband End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Antennas and Ferrite Losses
Why the EFOC17 is the Better Choice for 40M to 10M Operation
Comparing a 15m and 20m Mast for a Dual-Band 160/80m EFHW Inverted-L
- Why RF.Guru Pushes Dual-Band EFHW for High-Power (3kW-4kW)
Why RF.Guru Recommends Only Inverted L for 160/80M and 80M/40M with 68-70:1 Transformers for end fed antennas
Why a (External) Tuner is handy to get more out of your (too short) wire antenna
- Why We Won't Build the EFHW8010 Anymore
RF.Guru Active Receive Antennas
Comparison of Active RX Antennas
Why an Octaloop is Superior to a Square or Circular Loop Antenna
- Understanding the Null of a Shielded Active H-Field Loop Antenna
Height vs. Performance: Optimizing the OctaLoop Active Magnetic Loop Antenna
- Active RX and TX Antenna Proximity: Safe Distances and RF Protection
- Safe Distance for Active Antennas from the Home
Product Related General Technical Articles
- Why High Quality Polycarbonate Enclosures
Understanding the Visible Gap on Our Enclosures
- Why Does RF.Guru Use PTFE-Tinned Stranded Copper Wire for Baluns Instead of Enameled Wire?
- Stainless Steel Type 316: Properties, Benefits, and Applications
- Correct Use of RF.Guru Antenna Tuner Baluns
Mounting Flanged Enclosures on a Boom, Mast, or Support Tube
- Want to refer to us ?
Baluns and Ununs
- The History of RF Transformers
- A brief overview of BALUN types and their applications
- A brief overview of UNUN types and their applications
- The Guanella transformer (Current Balun/UNUN) explained
- The Ruthroff transformer (Voltage Balun/UNUN) explained
- The Autotransformer (Voltage Unun transformer) explained
- The Hybrid transformer explained
- Autotransformer vs. Ruthroff Transformer in UNUNs and BALUNS
General Technical Articles
- The Importance of a High-Quality Common-Mode Choke or Line Isolator
- SWR Demystified: Understanding the Real Impact of SWR on Your Station
- Grounding Practices, Safety, Performance, and Regulatory Compliance
- Ground, Grounding and SWR
Understanding Power Specifications: ICAS, CCS, and DIGITAL in Amateur Radio
Minimizing RF Noise in the Radio Environment
Optimal Common-Mode RF Current and Noise Elimination for TX antenna
Propagation Characteristics of Ham Radio Bands (2200m-2m) Mid-Europe
Frequently Asked Questions and their Answers
Common Misconceptions in Ham Radio
Is radiating resistance as important for RX antennas as it is for TX Antennas?
Why is Targeting Zero Reactance (X = 0) Important When Tuning an TX Antenna?
- Is a TX antenna (with high radiation resistance) always a good RX antenna?
- Are There Any Truly Efficient Multiband 160M-10M or 80M-10M Wire Antennas?
Why We Don't Build a 6:1 UNUN for High Power Applications
Why Do I Need a Kilowatt-Rated BALUN If I Only Run 100 Watts?
Common Issues and Their Solutions
Why a 600-Ohm Open-Wire Doublet with a Z-Match is More Efficient Than a 450-Ohm System with an Asymmetric Tuner
If You Could Choose Only One QRO Multi-Band Antenna, Which One Would It Be?
Reducing RF Interference from Solar Panels: How to Mitigate Noise on Your Beam Antenna